Sermon Archive

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Am I There Yet? Part 2

Exodus 13:17-22 I should be further along in my walk with Christ. I feel like I am just going around in circles. Nothing is changing. I must be failing God. Have you ever felt like that? Many believers do. But if you inquire how they arrived at this conclusion, their answer will likely be based on feelings and assumptions. The truth is…

Am I There Yet?

Am I There Yet? Exodus 13:17-22 I should be further along in my walk with Christ. I feel like I am just going around in circles. Nothing is changing. I must be failing God. Have you ever felt like that? Many believers do. But if you inquire how they arrived at this conclusion, their answer will likely be based on feelings and…


James 1:2-4 God gave up His Son for us because He saw the joy beyond the sacrifice.Jesus endured suffering because He saw the joy beyond the pain.We have the gift of joy that lies beyond our current hardships.

The Meaning of Your Misery

Exodus 6:28 – 7:7 Your pain has purposes far beyond what you can fathom. If you allow it, your pain can teach you wisdom. Your pain can act a the catalyst to draw you closer to God. Your pain can serve as an incubator, shielding you from greater dangers of which you are not aware. That’s how pain can serve your purpose.…

I Am the Lord

Exodus 6:1-9Before the days of Moses, God had revealed Himself to the Patriarchs as God Almighty (El Shaddai) . To Moses He reveals Himself as Lord (Yahweh). This progression in God’s self-revelation should color the way we perceive Him. He is still the Almighty God (El Shaddai). While He is the God who cares for us (Yahweh). He revealing Himself as Lord,…