Sermons on John

Jesus Uses MFA

John 5:31-40 There have been countless false prophets before, during and after Jesus. How is He set apart so we may be confident Jesus is the authentic and living Messiah?

The Whole World!

Pastor Calvin Robinson shares a message from John 12:12-19 Only God has power of life and death. Jesus Christ, in demonstrating this authority has sealed His place in the hearts of the masses that He is indeed the Son of God Almighty! The whole world is in need of such a savior.The whole world is searching for someone or something greater than…

Spare No Expense

John 12:1-7Jesus Christ is worthy of our very best. He wants to be our top priority. One person cannot tell another when she is giving her best. Sacrifice is always personal.Therefore each of us must determine what is the thing about ourselves, our lives or our situations we value most, and then to always ready and willing to lay it down should…


Scapegoat – A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency. From John 11:45-57. The greatest intrigue surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ lies in the fact that the religious leaders and Jesus shared a similar vision for Israel and the world, but the religious leaders were not willing to pay the price…

Come Forth!

Pastor Calvin Robinson continues the Lazarus story in John 11:27-44, and how Mary and Martha’s approach to Jesus and their grief relates to our own barriers and stones that need to be rolled away so that the glory of God may be seen.