Revelations 3:14 Jesus Christ is the truth, His words are faithful, and His victory is certain. He is the consummation of every precious promise of God.
Revelations 3:14 Jesus Christ is the truth, His words are faithful, and His victory is certain. He is the consummation of every precious promise of God.
1 Corinthians 15:45 The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in every believe. So how will we be raised? What will that be like? How should that change us now?
Hebrews 2:10 Jesus is the perfect representation for God and for mankind, leading the way to God’s glory for us.
Matthew 22:41-45 Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God. But how can this be? Its a great question. One that stymied the Pharisees, and a question that still cannot be adequately answered to this day. Even though the Lordship of Christ is mysterious, yet it is the most sacred, beautiful truth in all of scripture. By His Humanity He is able…
Hebrews 4:15 Last week we discovered by the Word, that Jesus Christ is fully human. He is human in all aspects just like us, except Jesus did not sin. Why is this? How could Jesus Christ be fully human without sin? Is sin a natural part of the human experience? Can Jesus Christ be the savior of humanity if He did not…
1 John 1:1-3 Who is Jesus Christ? Today it seems this question can be answered a myriad of ways, depending on one’s most strongly held values and interests. But Jesus Christ is not merely a concept or a worldview. Neither is He a symbolic, fictional figure whose life only conveys a moral code. Jesus Christ is a historical person, who lived, walked,…