Hebrews 12:12-17 Let us not be caught unrepentant, blaming everyone else but ourselves for our sins, and not having taken up our own crosses to follow Jesus when He returns.
Hebrews 12:12-17 Let us not be caught unrepentant, blaming everyone else but ourselves for our sins, and not having taken up our own crosses to follow Jesus when He returns.
2 Peter 3:3-9 Don’t let the normalcy of life lull you into believing that Jesus is not coming again. He has promised to come soon! As we begin this Advent season, we remind ourselves of his promise to return, as we celebrate His first coming.
Romans 15:13 God has a plan for each of His children. He has an expected end in mind for us all. God’s aim is for us to live carefree in this world. And we cast our cares aside when we believe He is willing and able to do all that He has promised. Because He is our hope, we have joy and…
Romans 15:7-12 Jesus Christ has accepted us and we should accept one another. But why is that so hard to do? 1) Because we are uncomfortable with those who do not comport without perception of what is good. 2) Because we view our way of thing as normative 3) Because we lack patience 4) Because we value our opinions more than we…
Romans 15:1-6 Maturity in Christ has its benefits, but to whom much is given much is required. The spiritually mature believer must have a high tolerance for those who are weaker in faith. The less mature are often more religious than spiritual. The mature believer must exercise patience as the weaker taunts, criticizes, and sometimes falsely accuses him/her, without breaking relationship. To…
Romans 14:10-23 Our greatest hope for one another should be that each of our walk with Christ would be easy. Not only should we hope this, but we should put forth every effort to make one another’s journey with Christ as convenient as possible. We are careful to create a safe and peaceful environment where each of us can grow without interruption.…
Romans 14:1-9 The believer who is weak in faith is slave to his/her personal principles and preferences. He submits himself to extra-Biblical rules, and judges anyone who does not ascribe to his subjective standard of holiness. We are not to quarrel with such saints. Instead, each of us is to should be keen to discern the difference between our subjective opinions, and…
Romans 13:11-14 Let’s get serious about our walk with Jesus Christ because the time of His return is near. To be serious is to: Be vigilantBe HolyBe disciplined
Romans 13:8-10Humanity is indebted to one another. We owe each other love. It is both humbling and amazing to know that God’s greatest desire for us is that we would care for and nurture one another. Not for His sake, but for our own. Love is the debt every person owes the other. Unfortunately, it is the debt least often paid. And…
Romans 13:1-8 How does God want us to interact with government? We are to: Obey government Because Government is established by God Because They are servants of God Because Government can punish you For the sake of your own conscience Pay our taxes
Romans 12:16-20 To Be of the same mind toward one anotherTo be humbleTo not claim to be wiseTo follow PEACE. This is the Christian way!
Romans 12:13-18 To Pursue HospitalityTo Bless those who curse youTo Rejoice with the joyfulTo Weep with those who weepTo be humble and to prefer the company of the lowlyTo commit to life-long learningTo never seek revengeTo respect the general consensus as much as possible, for the sake of peace.