Guilty By Choice

Ruth 1:6-13

When life gets hard and life seems to make no sense, it is easy for us to interpret our situation as judgment from God.

In our text, Naomi is struggling to make good choices from a guilty conscience. She has decided she is guilty and deserving of punishment. She believes that God has turned against her.

Believers, God is never against you. Though He may chastise you, His anger is but for a moment, and always for your good. Sometimes He may cause hurt, but God never causes harm.

Guilt does not come from God. Guilt comes from self. It is self-punishment that bears no godly fruit. The only relief for guilt is more self-inflicted pain. Guilt causes harm to the self.

Conviction comes from God. Conviction exposes your sin to you and pricks the heart. If you are humble and open to Holy Spirit correction, conviction will bear spiritual fruit, healing your wounded heart, and reconciling you to God. The only relief for conviction is repentance.

If you know that you are not walking according to God’s will, repent. But if you feel guilty, but there is no evidence of sin in your life, ignore it. Never choose to be guilty within. Never seek retribution against your own self.