The Prophet

Jesus Christ has invested His church with self-sustaining spiritual gifts for the purpose of growth, edification, and the common good of all it’s members, and for the good of the world.

Jesus has also assigned these spiritual gifts to specific parts or functions within and without the Body, in order to accomplish His purposes in an orderly manner. God equips each part with the necessary spiritual gifts to be effective in the appointment to which they each have been called.

Paul has taught us in verses 12-26 that there is no static hierarchy in the Body of Christ, but that each part would have the same care one for another. And by doing so we avoid divisions in the Body.

He now lays out for us Christ’s organizational plan by which He will care for His people, and minister to this dying world.

The Body of Christ consists of many parts.

The second most impactful Appointment Christ has invested in His church is the prophet.