Continuing in our Philippians series, Pastor Calvin Robinson describes to us what Christians should be focusing on in our lives, so as to focus on the finer things of faith, from Philippians 4:6-9.
Continuing in our Philippians series, Pastor Calvin Robinson describes to us what Christians should be focusing on in our lives, so as to focus on the finer things of faith, from Philippians 4:6-9.
Pastor Calvin Robinson describes what being of one mind and one Spirit in harmony looks like for the believer from Philippians 4:1-5.
Pastor Calvin Robinson continues in Philippians 3:17-21, describing how the Christ-follower should be careful not to pursue heaven on earth, but instead pursue Jesus Christ in all things.
Pastor Calvin Robinson’s sermon series continues in Philippians 3:10-16 describing what every believer’s life-long pursuit should be: To Know Jesus!
In Philippians 3:4-9, Paul teaches the Christian that letting go of all worldly positions, values, and worth is the path to finer things in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Calvin Robinson discusses the role of mentoring relationships in the Christian life as one of the Finer Things described in Philippians 2:19-24. (Apologies, it appears that the very end of the sermon was clipped off for some reason)
Pastor Calvin Robinson discusses the middle stage of the our faith–the process in which we are being sanctified, and the part that we play in that process. Join us in Philippians 2:12-18!
Pastor Calvin Robinson continues from Philippians 2:5-11 on what humility is, and Jesus represents it in Himself and the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Calvin Robinson continues in Philippians 2:1-4 on the topic of unity, and being unified in spirit, while not thinking in exactly the same way. In this way, where Jesus-followers are, we are all consistently reflecting God’s Kingdom!
Pastor Calvin Robinson continues in Philippians 1:27-30 as Paul considers for us the finer things in suffering, and how suffering brings about spiritual development and growth.
Pastor Calvin continues in Philippians on the topic of the tension between doing the kingdom work of Jesus in this world, or being with Jesus in the next. If you ever despair in your life, or feel hopeless or directionless, this message is for you!
Pastor Calvin Robinson continues his series in Philippians on The Finer Things.