Posts by dyndragon (Page 9)

Thanksgiving Dinner, Nov 24

Thanksgiving Dinner, Nov 24

Thanksgiving is a day for thanksgiving and praise. It is through thankfulness to God that we are encouraged in our faith. If you do not have plans for Thanksgiving dinner and would like to join a Cornerstone family, please contact June Gin. Families interested in hosting should contact June by November 13, Sunday.

Cornerstone Perspectives Nov 13 service

Cornerstone’s First Service at Perspectives! Nov 13

Praise God! All of the work has been completed for the transition to our new location. On November 13, Cornerstone will have its first worship service at the Perspectives Charter School – Joslin Campus, located at 1930 S. Archer Ave. just a few blocks away from Daystar, where we currently meet. We have one more…

Cornerstone Services During the 2016 Chicago Marathon, Oct 9

This Sunday tens of thousands of people will be in and about Chicago for the 39th running of the Chicago Marathon. As a result, there will be a number of road closures and transportation changes that may impact your travels to our worship services. We meet in the Daystar School at 1550 S. State with services beginning at 9:30 am. So that…

Annual Congregational Meeting, Oct 30

On Sunday October 30 immediately after service , we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting to elect nominees for the Board of Elders, Board of Ministries, and church officers and to approve the 2017 budget. If any member wishes to add any business item or motion, please speak to an elder. Guests and non-members are welcome to observe the meeting or enjoy…

apple picking at the Yeh Farm in Michigan

Apple Picking in Michigan, Oct 22

Fall is here! On behalf of the Bass Family’s friend and Cornerstone, you are invited to harvest apples, pears, peaches, grapes, and more from a Michigan farm from 10 am – 2 pm Central Standard Time. BYOB – Bring Your Own Bags to fill. Use the signup sheet at church during refreshment time to let…

Savvy Conference

Women’s Ministry: Savvy Conference, Oct 15

We invite all the women in Cornerstone to the 2016 Savvy Conference at Wheaton College in the Coray Auditorium Beamer Center. The conference is hosted by Pam Gillaspie and Jan Silvious. The topic covered will prepare women in new and interesting ways to be “that woman” who will make a difference in being “savvy” in…

Cornerstone's Six Year Anniversary Church Lunch

Cornerstone’s Sixth Anniversary Celebration Lunch, Sept 4

Our bi-monthly church lunch is next month and marks the sixth anniversary of Cornerstone. Please bring a dish to share and enjoy warm fellowship as we celebrate God’s goodness to Cornerstone. Sign-up sheets will be available in the refreshment area. Please indicate what dish/food item you will bring. This is a great opportunity to invite…

Monthly Church Prayer, Aug 14

Monthly Church Prayer, Aug 14

Last month we joined together for a time of corporate prayer for the needs of the church. Please join us next week during the Sunday school hour in the main worship area as we begin what will be a monthly time (on second Sundays) of corporate prayer to seek God’s will and guidance for the…