Church Blog (Page 16)

Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl Party!

On Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, everyone is invited to our annual all-church Super Bowl party. We’ll meet, feast, and laugh at the Higg’s home beginning at 5:00. Kickoff is at 5:30. This is a potluck, so bring something to share.

Acts of the Apostles

New Sermon Series – ACTS

Have you ever wondered how the church actually began? It’s a story of uneducated leaders trapped by their parochialism confronted with miracles and visions; clashes between politicians, saints, sinners, and even a few martyrs, all sorts of characters looking for fame and prosperity, and more unexpected plot twists than a best selling thriller. We will…

Sign up for Children's Ministry Nursery

Children’s Ministry Nursery Needs Your Help!

[Children’s Ministry] We need your help! Parents, if you have a child in the children’s ministry, please sign up as a volunteer using the link below. Even if you’re not a parent or don’t have any children in the nursery, you can help too! Please pray about this need in the church, and let us…

Cornerstone Children’s Choir Performance Dec 14, 2014

For those that missed the Children’s Ministry Christmas Performance, the video is now online. The Youth Ministry also helped on the Little Drummer Boy song as you can see. Thanks to Jennifer Burpee, the Children’s Ministry Leader, her helpers (Lauren Bortz & Evan Jones), and the Worship Arts Team (Mike Set and Hans Hong.)

Cornerstone Christmas Eve service

Christmas Eve Service

The Christmas Eve Service (Wed., Dec. 24, 7:00-7:59 pm) helps us keep our eyes on Jesus rather than presents and festive meals. A tradition for many, the warmth of the Christmas Eve service will become a precious memory for children who can wear their pajamas to church! We will sing traditional Christmas songs and hear…

Thomas Landonmeyer

Third Sunday of Advent

Next Sunday, 12/14, is the third Sunday of Advent. Our worship will focus on the angel’s message to the shepherds recorded in Luke 2:8-20. Mr. Landon Thomasmeyer will present this well knkown story from the perspective of one of those shepherds. Also, the Cornerstone Children’s Choir will present a special selection of Christmas songs during…

Kevin Clark

“A Living Parable: The Journey of the Magi” (Matt 2:1-12)

On this upcoming Communion Sunday, December 7, the sermon will be given by Kevin Clark, our Youth Ministry Leader) on Matthew 2:1-12. He will be speaking on the classic story of the Magi which everyone knows, but seldom dive into. He will look into what the Bible does and does not say about these “men…

Women’s Ministry Christmas Tea, December 7

Women’s Ministry Christmas Tea, December 7

As a respite from the business of the holiday season, the Women’s Ministry of Cornerstone invites all of our women and their guests to a special Christmas Tea. Come when you can and enjoy a light lunch as we take time for fellowship and sharing focused on the true meaning of Christmas from 1 to…

Men’s Ministry Second Saturday, Christmas Hangout! December 13

Men’s Ministry Second Saturday, Christmas Hangout! December 13

Break out the eggnog, put on your tackiest Christmas sweater, and join us from 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM at the Yeo’s Home to escape the holiday hustle, kick back, and enjoy a time of food, fellowship, and fun. Bring a food or beverage item to share and invite your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers…

Christmas gifts for the needy

Christmas Gifts for the Needy

Cornerstone will be collecting gifts for South Loop Community Church’s Gift Drive. If you would like to donate a gift (e.g. toy for a child), please bring your gifts this Sunday, December 7.


Advent at Cornerstone

For most Americans, the next few weeks will be a time of overly busy schedules, frenzied efforts to find the best deals, and excessive consumption. In short, a secular celebration of materialism and consumption rather than a spiritual preparation for the birth of the Christ child. We want to help you keep Christ in Christmas.…