Church Blog (Page 4)

Annual Congregational Meeting, 10/28

Annual Congregational Meeting, 10/28

We will have our Annual Congregational Meeting to elect nominees for the Board of Elders, Board of Ministries, and church officers and to approve the 2019 budget. If any member wishes to add any business item or motion, please speak with an elder or the pastor. Guests and non-members are welcome to observe the meeting…

Men's retreat 11/3

Men’s Retreat, 11/3

Men, this is an opportunity for you to escape with your fellow brothers in Christ to a place away from the world where you can rest, recover, and be spiritually renewed. The theme for this retreat is “David – The Making of a Man.” Come journey with us and be challenged as we delve into…

Apple picking, 9/8

Apple picking, 9/8

On behalf of the Bass Family’s friends and Cornerstone, you are invited to harvest apples and have lunch together at a Michigan farm from 10 am – 2 pm CST. Bring your own bags for apples. Use the signup sheet at church to let us know if you’re coming, if transportation is needed, and what…

church potluck, September 2

Church potluck, 9/2

Summer is almost over, and school is almost back in session. Let’s come together for lunch next month. Cook your favorite home dish to share. Use the sign-up sheet to let us know what you’ll be bringing.

Baptism Service, Aug 5

Baptism Service, Aug 5

On Sunday, August 5, we will have a baptism service after service offsite at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited! To get to the baptism site from church, head South on State St. Turn left on E. 26th St., then turn right on to S. Michigan Ave. Just after 31st Street, park on Michigan or 32nd…

Quarterly Congregational Meeting, July 29

Quarterly Congregational Meeting, July 29

Our next quarterly congregational meeting will take place after service and before refreshments. We will be going over church business. e.g., secretary’s and treasurer’s reports. If you have any new business you’d like considered on the agenda, please contact the elders. All are welcome to attend.

Women’s Summer Tea Potluck, July 14

Women’s Summer Tea Potluck, July 14

Ladies, you are cordially invited to a Summer tea potluck at Jaci Yeo’s house located at 960 W. 37th St. Unit 4 in Bridgeport. It will be from 10 am – 1 pm. Sign up during refreshments at church and let us know what you can bring like tea, sandwiches, and desserts. RSVP with Jaci…

Cornerstone VBS - Shipwrecked, 7/8 - 8/12

Cornerstone VBS – Shipwrecked, 7/8 – 8/12

All hands on deck! Venture onto uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. Anchor kids in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms. This year’s VBS will run every Sunday from July 8 – August 12 during the Children’s Worship (1st hour). Shipwrecked VBS is aimed for kids in Pre-K – 4th grade.…

Church Picnic, June 24

Church Picnic, June 24

Our annual church picnic will be held at Cornerstone on Sunday, June 24, after the worship service. Everyone is welcome to attend so invite family and friends! Cornerstone will be providing a roast pig this year. Please use the sign-up sheet to let us know what sides or dessert you’ll bring.