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Exodus 2:11-14 Moses has grown into an idealist. He believes he knows how the world should be, and he is determined to force reality to yield to his demands.But, as it always does, his idealism: Instead of being idealists, believers should practice being content, accepting the world as it is, assured that God has a plan for the restoration of all things,…
God works all things together for good to those who love Him. When you are going through the storm, let this be the hope that propels you forward. And by this hope, you will be able to: Let Go and Trust GodTake Necessary RiskPut Your Faith To WorkOvercome Your Insecurities No matter how difficult your situation, trust and believe that Things Can…
Exodus 1:22 Israel has been in a difficult season. Their world has been turned upside through oppression. But even through their dark days, the people of God have continued to prosper and multiply. They have remained victorious. It appears they have overcome. But instead of accepting defeat, their adversary digs in deeper, and their plight quickly turns from bad to worse. In…
Exodus 1:1-14 How did Israel come to be enslaved and persecuted in Egypt? How did God’s miraculous deliverance from practical famine, morph into a famine of freedom? And how can you and I avoid falling into a similar situation as we experience experience the blessings and burdens of life in this world?
Luke 17:20-21 If we consider God and his character, and the person of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, what do you imagine when you hear the phrase “Kingdom of Heaven” or “Kingdom of God”?
Matthew 14:28-31 Luke 22:60-62 1 Peter 1:6-7 What should we expect from the process of sanctification? We take a look at Peter’s development from fresh disciple of Jesus to his restoration after having denied Jesus three times.
Philippians 3:7-11 Our brother Robert shares with us on the transforming power of Jesus in us.
John 5:31-40 There have been countless false prophets before, during and after Jesus. How is He set apart so we may be confident Jesus is the authentic and living Messiah?
Joshua 1:16-18 What did wandering in the desert do for the Israelites? Join us as we explore what the Israelites went through in the desert, and how it prepared them to enter the Promised Land.
Genesis 1:1-31
Ephesians 2:20-22 Jesus Christ is our Cornerstone! He is the foundation and only basis of our faith. Our only point of reference.
Matthew 3:17 Jesus Christ is fully loved by His Heavenly Father.Lets explore what it feels like to be fully and completely loved.