Sermon Archive (Page 9)

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God’s Love In Troubled Times

Romans 5:3-5 It is reasonable for us to celebrate as we wait patiently for the day when we will be glorified. It will be the day that God will wipe every tear from our eyes. A day when we will be healed of all our infirmities and pain.But until that glory appears, we will sometimes experience trouble. What are we to do…

Peace With God

Romans 5:1-2 “If any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies” — Thomas HobbesGod and man have been at enmity since the Garden of Eden, when our first parents usurped the glory that belongs to God alone.Since Old Testament times God, through nature and circumstance has emphasized His displeasure with sinful humanity. While sinful…

Our Seven-Fold Justification

Romans 5:1 Because Justification is one of the “heart-words” of our of the Christian faith, it is important for us to have a Biblical understanding of this central theme. Do you know what the Bible teaches concerning justification? The Bible teaches us that justification comes: From GodBy GraceBy the Blood of ChristBy Christ’s resurrectionBy FaithBy Your Words, andBy Your Works

Hope Against Hope

Romans 4:16-25 The faith of Abraham is described as “Hope against Hope”.Hope against hope believes that God can give life to the dead.Hope against hope believes that God can call things into being that do not exist.Hope against hope does not waver at the seeming impossibility of what God has promised.Hope against hope praises God in advance!Hope against hope is certain that…

No Room to Boast

Romans 3:27-31 We have been justified according to the law of faith. Our faith is a gift from God and therefore we have no right or reason to boast because of it. Our faith is apart from the law. Yet, though we are justified by faith, we do not abandon God’s law. Paul says we establish it instead.

The Boundless Goodness of God

Romans 3:21-26 God is good. His goodness exceeds the standard of His law inasmuch as He Himself cannot be compelled to be as He is.God is good to mankind apart from the law. He Himself is not bound by the law, and by His sovereign will He can choose to consider our worthiness aside from the law. He does this through Jesus…

What the Law Says

Romans 3:9-20 The purpose of the law is to: It does this very well! The law unveils more truth about us than we care to see. It reads our thoughts and weighs our every motive. The law knows and exposes the truth that we are wretched indeed! And sometimes that is just what we need to hear.

Unnecessary Evil

Romans 3:1-8 Can good exist without bad?Can right thrive without wrong?Can light shine in the absence of darkness?Is the grace of God necessary without the sins of men? YES!While God’s plan of salvation takes sin into account, His plan would be just as effective even if mankind never sinned.


Romans 2:17-29 Circumcision is an outward mark upon the body as a sign of being a Jew, as baptism is the outward sign of the one who follows Jesus. But neither have value if the inner life of a person is unchanged. Paul describes to us the problem of the hyper-religious that has mastered the law, but the law has not mastered…