Sermons by Calvin Robinson (Page 6)

A Stone Of Stumbling

Romans 9:30-33 Only a small remnant of humanity will be saved. Only a few will inherit eternal life, though the majority are convinced they will make it in. A great majority believe that their faith will save them. While the other half believe they will be saved because of their works. Somewhere between faith and works there is a Rock. And while…

God Is Just

Romans 9:14-16 God – The Supreme and Almighty One. We agree with this term, but do we truly understand what it means to be God? To be God is to be just in all that He does. To be God is to enjoy every conceivable right to do all that He desires to do, without constraint. God is unrestrained. He has no…

Our Intercessor

Sometimes our longing for glory exceeds human language or expression. We cannot find words to fully express our yearning for freedom. But The Holy Spirit knows what our hearts are trying to express, and He speaks for us and through us to the Father. He pleads for the saints. He pleads for our freedom and for our final transformation to come to…

Our Future Glory!

Romanse 8:18-25 The debasement of humanity in the garden has resulted in the corruption of all of creation. At some level, creation herself is aware of its corruption. Creation recognizes that its fate and freedom is directly tied to the fate of the glorified children of God. Therefore creation longs for humanity’s renewal. Both man and creation have been brought low against…

Be Led By The Spirit

Romans 8:12-17 Through Christ our carnal nature (flesh) has been put to death. Therefore the flesh no longer has power over us. If the flesh is not dead, we are yet in our sins and we will undergo the second death. But if we are led by God’s Spirit, we subdue our flesh, and we will inherit eternal life. Those who are…

No Condemnation

Romans 8:1-8 Those who are in Christ Jesus will not be condemned.To be in Christ Jesus is to:Be led (walk) according to the SpiritTo set our minds on the things of the SpiritTo walk in the Spirit is to live beyond the law, having fulfilled all of it’s requirements in Christ Jesus.To walk in the Spirit is to live beyond the flesh.…

Our Human Condition

Romans 7:14-25 We are fleshlyWe are bound to sinWe are conflictedWe are Undisciplined and UnrulyWe are overpowered by sinTherefore we cannot do as we wishWe are infected with sinSin is not our fault, but it is our problemThe law of sin has bound s to our flesh and we have become wretched Jesus Christ sets us free from sin and by sanctification…