Sermons from 2023 (Page 5)


Romans 2:17-29 Circumcision is an outward mark upon the body as a sign of being a Jew, as baptism is the outward sign of the one who follows Jesus. But neither have value if the inner life of a person is unchanged. Paul describes to us the problem of the hyper-religious that has mastered the law, but the law has not mastered…

The Judge of Secrets

Romans 2:12-16 When we stand before God we will be judged by our outward obedience to the law of God, and by our inward adherence to the law. If by chance one were to be found without fault in these two areas, all will be found out in the third. Because God will lastly judge the secrets of each person’s heart. What…

Ugly Winning

Joshua 10:12-14 52% of vehicle accidents occur within 5 miles from home. The last leg before victory is always the most grueling and difficult. This natural fact is also a spiritual reality. When we feel like we have used up all our energy, that last mile can seem quite distant, and we can despair we do not have the stamina to make…