1 John 4:7-21 God is love. In this Christmas season, let us return to the root and core of why God sent Jesus to us: Love.
1 John 4:7-21 God is love. In this Christmas season, let us return to the root and core of why God sent Jesus to us: Love.
James 1:2-4 God gave up His Son for us because He saw the joy beyond the sacrifice.Jesus endured suffering because He saw the joy beyond the pain.We have the gift of joy that lies beyond our current hardships.
John 16:33 Jesus knew what would come to His followers, and He prepared them with His peace. Take on Jesus’ peace and renew yourself in it this Advent season.
Luke 1:30-33 We begin our Advent season with hope, not just for the sake of hoping, but remembering what we hope for: Jesus, our salvation.
Exodus 7:3 God uses the plagues on Egypt to show His power and sovereignty over all things and all peoples.
Exodus 6:28 – 7:7 Your pain has purposes far beyond what you can fathom. If you allow it, your pain can teach you wisdom. Your pain can act a the catalyst to draw you closer to God. Your pain can serve as an incubator, shielding you from greater dangers of which you are not aware. That’s how pain can serve your purpose.…
Exodus 6:1-9Before the days of Moses, God had revealed Himself to the Patriarchs as God Almighty (El Shaddai) . To Moses He reveals Himself as Lord (Yahweh). This progression in God’s self-revelation should color the way we perceive Him. He is still the Almighty God (El Shaddai). While He is the God who cares for us (Yahweh). He revealing Himself as Lord,…
Exodus 5:15-23 The Israelites play the blame game when they meet opposition. What do you do when you meet spiritual challenges and opposition in your life?
Exodus 5:10-14 Pharaoh has heard the word from the Lord. But instead of taking heed, he has decided to double down. He has decided to dig in his heels and confirm his statement of rebellion. What are some of the most common reasons a person might commit more fully to the wrong direction after God has made His desire clear? 1) The…
Exodus 4:24-31 God is God, and we need to remember to keep Him first priority. Jesus lived this example, and we see this in the life of Moses as well.
Exodus 4:18-23 God is protective of His own in ways that may seem out of character to some. Even for many believers, His wrath may appear unfair or unseemly. But God is the creator of all things. Every soul belongs to Him. And God has demonstrated throughout the scriptures, that there is no length to which He would not go to protect…
Exodus 4:10-17Ultimately, God always gets His way. He works His will by His word, but often through His people. But we are not always the most dependable partners. Moses is proving to be a difficult partner for God. God could easily replace Moses. He could also coerce him. But God does neither. He is gentle and kind to Moses. He listens. He…