Worship at Cornerstone

A note about Sunday, March 22 service

Greetings Cornerstone Family! I am so looking forward to sharing God’s word and fellowship with you all tomorrow. Please join us at 9:30 am Central as we worship and sing together (virtually). And don’t forget to share our Facebook and email invitations with your friends and family as well. Let’s take this opportunity to extend the reach of His kingdom into homes around the world!

Click to join: https://www.youtube.com/c/CornerstonechurchchicagoOrg/live

Following service, we’ll also have an open Hangouts meet just to mingle and see how everyone is doing. “Refreshment” time, so to speak, but bring your own refreshments!
Join it here: https://meet.google.com/moi-yntb-csy

The children’s ministry will also have a gathering following service and the “refreshment” time, starting around 11:30 am. If you have children in the children’s ministry, please help them join the Hangouts meet to participate in a special activity.
Join it here: https://meet.google.com/tcu-qqxh-evk

Hope to see you all soon!

–Pastor Calvin