Sermons from 2023 (Page 2)

The Christian Way (Part 2)

Romans 12:13-18 To Pursue HospitalityTo Bless those who curse youTo Rejoice with the joyfulTo Weep with those who weepTo be humble and to prefer the company of the lowlyTo commit to life-long learningTo never seek revengeTo respect the general consensus as much as possible, for the sake of peace.

Gifted By Grace

Romans 12:3-8 The spiritual gift(s) God has given to each of us is to be employed in service of one another, not in service to our ego. The person who measures his/her value by his/her giftedness may be lifted up with pride, Seeing himself as different (read superior), this person may become abusive and condescending to others within the Body, improperly using…

Perfected By His Mercies

Romans 12:1-2 Even though sin dwells in our bodies, in this text, Paul instructs us to present our bodies to God as though it is holy and acceptable. This is an act of faith. We trust that because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf, the Father will have mercy. Yet we are to present our bodies as a sacrifice.…

A Stone Of Stumbling

Romans 9:30-33 Only a small remnant of humanity will be saved. Only a few will inherit eternal life, though the majority are convinced they will make it in. A great majority believe that their faith will save them. While the other half believe they will be saved because of their works. Somewhere between faith and works there is a Rock. And while…

God Is Just

Romans 9:14-16 God – The Supreme and Almighty One. We agree with this term, but do we truly understand what it means to be God? To be God is to be just in all that He does. To be God is to enjoy every conceivable right to do all that He desires to do, without constraint. God is unrestrained. He has no…

It Is What It Is

Romans 9:6-13 Paul had difficulty reconciling the promise God made to Abraham, with the then present reality of Abraham’s descendants. He felt a closeness to the Jews because he himself was a Jew. Paul had a few theological options he could have employed to explain away God’s decision, or to dilute its meaning. But Paul knew it would have done no good.…

If God Is For Us

Romans 8:31-39 If God is for us:Though enemies rise against us, We will not be defeatedWe will not know lackWe will not be condemnedJesus Christ intercedes for usNothing will be able to separate us from the love of God the Father, or the love of Christ, His Son!

Our Intercessor

Sometimes our longing for glory exceeds human language or expression. We cannot find words to fully express our yearning for freedom. But The Holy Spirit knows what our hearts are trying to express, and He speaks for us and through us to the Father. He pleads for the saints. He pleads for our freedom and for our final transformation to come to…