Posts by dyndragon (Page 13)

Baptism 2015 Fall

Baptism Fall 2015

Believers age 16 or older who have not been baptized are urged to follow the command of Christ in Matthew 28:19 to be baptized. If you wish to be baptized or to better understand the significance of this Christian practice, please see Pastor Green or one of the elders. Classes will be scheduled at a…

Membership Classes Begin Next Sunday, Sept 20

Our membership class is designed to help you understand what a church is all about and why commitment to a local church is an important step in your Christian journey. If you are interested in becoming a member of Cornerstone or just in better understanding what a church is about, please see Pastor Green or one of the elders about attending our…

Community Bible Experience (CBE) Small Groups

Have you ever read the entire New Testament? You can in just eight weeks. Community Bible Experience is designed to help you not only read the Bible but become familiar with its overall message. You can use a Bible formatted so that its is easy to read or listen to the Bible on a mp3 downloaded to your smartphone, tablet, or computer.…

[Children’s Ministry] Nursery Sign-Up September/October 2015

[Children’s Ministry] The nursery needs your help in watching our little ones during service and the Sunday School hour. Use the easy online signup form to schedule yourself through October. Even if you’re not a parent or don’t have any children in the nursery, you can help too! Please pray about this need in the church, and let us know if you…

Apple Picking at the Yeh Farm in Michigan

Apple Picking at the Yeh Farm in Michigan – Saturday, October 3

On Saturday, October 3, we will have our annual apple picking day at the Yeh farm in Michigan. You, the family, and friends are invited to “clean the trees” of apples from 10 am – 2 pm Central Standard Time. Lunch will be served and there will be various activities for children, youth, and adults.…

Top Gun

[Youth Group] Top Gun Event – Sat., Sept 19

On Saturday, September 19 the Youth Group will journey to Robert Leong’s rural preserve to see who is Top Gun. We will meet in the Daystar parking lot at 10:30am and drive out together, returning at 3:30. Lunch will be provided. If your parents need directions, or you need to be in a late car,…

Cornerstone Community Church 5 year anniversary

Church Fifth Anniversary, Sept. 6

On Sunday, September 6 we will celebrate Cornerstone’s 5th Anniversary with a special church lunch. So that everyone may join us for lunch, there will be no Children’s or Adult Sunday School

Give online

Online Giving Available

Good news! You can now give to Cornerstone anytime and anywhere using our new online giving portal. It’s simple and secure and can be accessed directly from our website. Click the “Give Online” button, and follow the straightforward instructions to set up your giving using a credit card, debit card, or bank account. You can…

Women's Ministry Summer Series

[Women’s Ministry] Summer Series, July 9 – August 13

All women are invited to for a special time of fellowship, food, fun, and spiritual focus on Thursday nights from 8 pm – 9:30 pm at the Green’s home. This summer we will focus on getting to know one another, as there are many newer faces at Cornerstone. Feel free to attend every week or…