Sermon Archive (Page 11)

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Ministry Example – Part 3

We continue in Ezekiel on Part 3 of the Ministry Example Ezekiel sees in chapter 1:1-15. In preparation for ministry the minister should have had a faithful ministry example. The cherubim serve this purpose for Ezekiel. By their appearance and by their actions they exemplify the minister’s disposition, and those qualities of character that every minister should aspire to. Continuing from last…

Ministry Example – Part 2

In preparation for ministry the minister should have had a faithful ministry example. The cherubim serve this purpose for Ezekiel. By their appearance and by their actions they exemplify the minister’s disposition, and those qualities of character that every minister should aspire to. Continuing from last week, some of these qualities include: 1) Relatability2) Readiness and mobility3) Steadfastness and stability4) Awareness of…

Ministry Example

In preparation for ministry the minister should have had a faithful ministry example. The cherubim serve this purpose for Ezekiel. By their appearance and by their actions they exemplify the minister’s disposition, and those qualities of character that every minister should aspire to. Some of these qualities include: 1) Relatability2) Readiness and mobility3) Steadfastness and stability4) Awareness of limitations As you look…

A Spiritual Experience

The spiritual experience differs for each individual based on a number of factors surrounding:The scope of ones ministryThe depth of one’s woundednessand one’s resistance to spiritual things. As we explore the call of Ezekiel (1:1-4), and consider the context of his calling, we can understand why his call was so unique. Though each call is unique, God’s calling in Ezekiel’s life and…


Pastor Calvin Robinson finishes our series on The Finer Things from Philippians 4:10-19, discussing how Paul advises how the believer should be content in all things.

A Holy Focus

Continuing in our Philippians series, Pastor Calvin Robinson describes to us what Christians should be focusing on in our lives, so as to focus on the finer things of faith, from Philippians 4:6-9.

The Longest Road

The main idea: All those who follow Jesus should be yearning for spiritual transformation of the heart, its desires, and conforming it to Christlikeness. This transformation is available to us here and now. The challenge: It is not an easy, nor obvious path to true transformation of the heart. Our heads are full, we think one thing, but we do another. It…